An Albuquerque-based graphic designer, brand strategist,
visual communicator, illustrator, artist, photographer & letter writer.

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TQM at the Microscale

november  2020 - present


I met Kim Modic while working at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory’s Pulsed Field Facility at Los Alamos National Lab as a graphic designer & photojournalist, and now, she has her own lab in Austria, Thermodynamics of Quantum Materials at the Microscale at IST Austria. 

I’ve helped her build her brand out from start to finish - from logo design & branding, to building out her stationery and some fun merch, to creating her website & managing her social media, in addition to creating figures and graphics for proposals, papers and presentations, I’ve had a blast getting back into the science world through design.

Some custom illustrations for TQM, paired with a mockup of their website & Instagram page.

A recent paper of Kim’s was accepted to the journal “Nature Physics,” and I was tasked with coming up with a few varying cover design ideas to turn into the staff to choose from for the actual cover. Shown is my favorite concept we submitted.

The TQM science world can be hard to understand since they’re working with such high-concept physics, so we created a comic for the layman to better understand what’s going on.

A sample of some extras for TQM - a mug, some stationery, and bags to hand out to students & staff members.

We also made a series of posters to hang around Kim’s lab - topics ranging from Multipolar Physics to High Magnetic Fields to The Search for Spin Liquids. Check out our poster for New Technique Development below.


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